ChemProX belongs to a new generation of chemical detectors. The hand-held detector is used in field operations to identify chemical threats, e.g. in rescue and military use cases. Versatile network technologies enable reliable operation and full situational awareness both in the city and in uninhabited areas.
LINK Design was responsible for the design and user experience of Environics’ new gas detector. The device has been designed with challenging operating conditions, heavy protective equipment and sometimes poor visibility in mind. Despite its robust appearance, the detector is compact in size and easy to handle even with gloves. The design of the user interface was driven by the requirements of ease of use, intuitiveness and real-time situational awareness.

The design project was implemented between 08/2017 – 06/2018. International launch of ChemProX took place in 06/2019.
LINK Design’s responsibilities in the project: Concept design, Industrial design, UI/UX design.
What we did
- UI and UX development
- Concept design and ideation
- Industrial design
- Usability and ergonomics
- UI design